
Raspberry Pi based temperature controller



  • The USB wifi dongle which is probably the most used on Rapsberry Pi's has a power saving feature which unfortunately can impact network connectivity. If your Raspberry Pi uses one of these wifi dongles (check whether it's using the module named '8192cu'), it is recommended to turn this feature off by creating the file /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf containing the following line:
        options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0
    Further improvement in wifi performance may result from correctly setting the regulatory domain in which you're operating, by adding the following lines to the same file:
        softdep 8192cu pre: cfg80211
        options cfg80211 ieee80211_regdom=AU
    Take care to use the correct country code ('AU' for Australia is used in this example). Now reboot the Raspberry Pi for the changes to take efffect.

  • The Raspberry Pi 3 has a built in wifi unit which also has a power save feature enabled by default. This should be disabled for consistent wifi connectivity. To check its current status, run this command in a terminal:
        iw dev wlan0 get power_save
    To turn the power save off in a way that survives reboots, download this startup script to disable Pi3 wifi power save using the browser's "Save Link As..." facility to save the script in the Home directory. Alternatively, in a terminal, use the command:
        cd && wget
    Now copy it into the /etc/network/if-up.d directory with the command:
        sudo cp ~/nowifipowersave /etc/network/if-up.d
    Ensure that the new file is executable with the command:
        sudo chmod a+x /etc/network/if-up.d/nowifipowersave
    After a reboot, running iw dev wlan0 get power_save again should confirm "Power save: off".

  • Brewable uses Python & Tornado for the back end and JavaScript & D3 in the browser. The source code for this project is held at the Brewable repository at GitHub, where development related issues (bugs, feature requests etc.) can be raised. The source code is available under the terms of the Gnu General Public License (GPL) Version 3 and code contributions under the same terms are welcome.
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